Galia Marinova – A CEEPUS Network as an Environment for Initiating Successful European and International Projects for Speeding up the Development of South-East Europe


The talk summarizes the research and academic achievements of the eight years old CEEPUS network BG-1103, involving 40 academic and 5 business partners from all the 16 countries in the CEEPUS region, and being highly ranked in the annual rank lists of the granted CEEPUS networks. The intensive cooperation and mobilities in its framework during the last 8 years allowed obtaining a realistic idea on the development, challenges, efforts and the potential of the Central and Eastern European region. Considering the EU goals and priorities, and the global actual concerns worldwide, the network started generating projects focused on the faster development and sustainability of the CEEPUS region, adding to CEEPUS program numerous Erasmus+ bilateral agreements, Capacity building in Higher Education IoT-ECO project focusing on technology implementation for green transformation in the Western Balkans, several NATO Science for Piece Advanced Workshop projects focused on overcoming crises, promoting diversity and inclusion, etc. The network developed a joint doctoral program and doctoral students are strongly involved in the projects, publishing joint papers, attending Special sessions at the conferences organized in the CEEPUS region. The good practices of BG-1103 can help defining the vision for the new CEEPUS program period to be launched from 2025.

About the speaker

Galia Marinova graduated as engineer with Master degree in electronics in 1988 in Technical University-Sofia. She received a Ph.D. degree in 1994 in the Faculty of electronics in TUS. From 2011 she has been an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Telecommunications. She’s responsible for research and innovation activities in the department “Technology and management of communication systems”. Dr. Marinova did one year post-doctoral research in CNAM-Paris, France in 1999/2000.  She has 11 doctoral students – 3 graduated, one is preparing his theses defense and 7 are currently developing their theses.  G. Marinova is author of  and co-author of 3 textbooks and more than 100 scientific papers, mainly in the area of computer-aided design in electronics and telecommunications. She is the coordinator of CEEPUS network project: CIII-BG-1103-08-2324. Modelling, Simulation and Computer-aided Design in Engineering and Management and recently of the IoT-ECO CBHE project. She has experience as coordinator of several Erasmus+ projects with program and partner countries. Additionally she has been involved in national and international educational and research projects, like DRILA project in cooperation with CentraleSupelec, Rennes, France, and NATO ATC projects. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of CAS and WIE, and the Vice Chair of the Bulgarian IEEE Chapter CAS/SSC and Founder and Chair of the IEEE WIE Affinity Group in Bulgaria.