Final Paper Submission
Format of the final (camera-ready) paper
The camera-ready papers should be submitted as PDF documents.
The paper length is limited to eight (8) pages (no exceptions).
The paper format for the final submission in the same as the one prescribed for the initial submission. All camera-ready papers (conference, workshop, special session) should strictly adhere to the required format.
Please note that the paper size is A4 (not Letter). The A4 size paper layout is 210 x 297mm i. e., 8.27”x11.69” (in Acrobat Reader XI the size can be obtained among the file properties by choosing: File -> Properties).
If you use the LaTeX template (zip file), please make sure to activate the a4paper option in your file, like this:
The authors are kindly requested to proofread and check the layout of the final paper before submitting it.
Also, please make sure that both the authors’ first and last names are listed in full (not only marked as initials: F. Lastname is wrong, Firstname Lastname is right, and in case of middle names, Firstname M. Lastname and Firstname Middlename Lastname are both OK). Note that the capitalization of words in the title should be as in the template (all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs should be capitalized, not just in the first word).
IEEE Xplore®-compatibility
Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at
First-time users should do the following:
- Select the New Users – Click Here link.
- Enter the following information:
- 52528X for the Conference ID
- your email address
- a password
- Continue to enter information as prompted.
An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
Use the IEEE PDF eXpress site to check the PDF for IEEE Xplore®-compatibility.
Copyright Upload
The copyright form is here. Please print it, fill in and sign. Scanned version of the copyright upload through EDAS.
Authors of accepted papers can submit copyright forms via the (c) link in the My Papers tab in EDAS.
The link to copyright form is also available from the paper page in EDAS.
Final Paper Upload
All submissions and reviews are handled through EDAS Conference Management System. Before proceeding to on-line submission, please read the instructions below. [ Go to EDAS ]
Please use your existing user account.
Please do not submit a new paper, just update/correct the existing info if needed and upload the new PDF file. You can upload the final version any time before the final deadline (any old version(s) will be automatically overwritten).
First, you will have to log in and access your personal view page which enables you to see your profile and submit your paper(s).
- Step 1: You will see your paper(s) under the title “Papers You Authored“.
- Step 2: Click on paper number (# (Edit)) to view and correct the title, abstract, and author information, if necessary. Click on “Submit” once you’re done. A note will show, stating “Paper xxx updated.” (Go “Back” to the list of papers in Step 1.)
- Step 3: Click on paper title (Title (link to paper)) to display and verify the paper information. Click on upload icon to upload the final version of your paper. This may take a while, depending on your file size.
Finally, if all goes well, you will receive an e-mail notification that the paper has been successfully uploaded. Also, going back to your personal view (Home/View) you will be able to see (all) paper(s) that you submitted.