Special Session of the CEEPUS Network CIII-BG-1103
The title of session
International CEEEPUS-session on modern communications and related technologies (organized by the members of CEEPUS Network CIII-BG-1103 on “Modelling, Simulation and Computer-aided Design in Engineering and Management”)
Galia Marinova, Erich Leitgeb, Peter Planinšič, Snježana Rimac-Drlje, Vera Markovic, Venceslav Kafedziski, Stefan Mocanu
General Overview
CEEPUS – The “Central European Exchange Program for University Studies” is an international exchange program involving universities that offer joint-degree programs, especially joint-doctoral programs among member countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. It is the product of an international agreement signed by the member states of CEEPUS. CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework.
The most important objective of the network CIII-BG-1103 (Modelling, simulation and computer-aided design in engineering and management) is the cultural exchange of know-how and expertise. The cultural denotation means that the different partners of the network are from different education origins. Especially in engineering and management the ability to apply new point of views or approaches to replace well known and established classical approaches is low. The network, on basis of the bilateral personal contact, should transport new considerations in the fields of the involved partner institutions.
Objectives of the Session
The goal of special session is to bring together researchers from domain of trends in modern telecommunication, IoT, multimedia communications and related technologies such as future communication in space, navigation, remote sensing, mm- and microwave technologies, UWB antennas and radars, joint radar-communications. Also Modelling and Simulation of wave propagation in the RF-field and Optical domain will suit within this session. The topics of the session are, but not limited to the following:
- General Communication techniques and related applications
- Communications in space, remote sensing, radar and UWB-radars
- Multimedia applications and Wireless Communications
- Simulation and Modelling of Wave Propagation aspects and Channels (including OWC)
- Design of Telecommunications systems and applications
Deadlines for paper submission
- April, 15, 2021: Full Papers, Due
May 7, 2021May 12, 2021: Notification of Acceptance/RejectionMay 21, 2021May 26, 2021: Final, Camera Ready Papers, Due
The papers shoud be submited via the EDAS-portal under the conference link of ConTEL 2021. Please follow the quidelines for regular papers. See also general information at ConTEL 2021.