Paper submission
All submissions and reviews will be handled through EDAS.
Before submitting a paper, please read the General Information regarding the submission and review process, and the publication policy for accepted papers.
Paper submission through EDAS
You will need an EDAS account to submit a paper. Please use your existing EDAS account if you have one. Otherwise, go to EDAS home page and create a new account (it’s free). You can submit any number of papers using the same account.
The paper submission is a two-step process, including 1) paper registration and 2) actual submission (upload) of the full paper.
Step 1: Registration of paper information
To register the paper in EDAS (, you must have the following information ready:
- Title of the paper
- Keywords
- Abstract
EDAS will automatically add you as author. You can add other authors immediately, or leave it for later. You can also edit the title, keywords and abstract.
The registration form also contains the list of topic(s) from the Call for Papers – please select those most relevant for your paper. (One or two topics is usually sufficient, three is the maximum.)
You will also be asked to confirm that your paper adheres to IEEE policies by checking the box next to the statement “This paper has not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere.” (If you are not sure what this is about, please read the IEEE Communications Society Policy on Plagiarism and Multiple Submission).
Once you submit the above information, the paper information will be stored (“registered”) and available for later use through your personal EDAS page (or, menu item My/My papers). After registration, but before the actual paper is uploaded into the system, the paper “Status” will be shown as “pending”.).
You will receive an automated registration confirmation e-mail from EDAS (Subject will look as something like “[ConTEL 2021] Paper 123456789 has been registered”, where “123456789” is your paper reference number).
Step 2: Paper upload
Once the paper is registered, you may move on to paper upload, as well as add other authors, modify the abstract, keywords, and other paper related information, as needed. You can also do this later, in fact, any time before the paper submission deadline. (Once the submission deadline expires, you will need to contact the Program Chair in order to modify any paper information.)
The paper upload page is self explanatory; you just need to make sure you have a valid PDF file, formatted according to paper format guidelines. Once the paper is successfully uploaded, its status in EDAS will change to “active”.
Once you upload the paper, you will receive an automated confirmation e-mail (Subject will look as something like “[ConTEL 2021] Review manuscript for #123456789 has been uploaded”).
If needed, you may upload a new paper revision (new PDF file) any time before the paper submission deadline (the new version will overwrite the old one).
A note on conference “tracks”: A paper may be submitted in the general conference track (covering all topics listed in the Call for Papers), in one of the special session tracks, or, the workshop track. Submission deadlines for each track are listed in EDAS. You may select the track at the time of submission, or change it later. The paper submission, review, and publication rules (hardcopy and electronic proceedings) are the same for all tracks.